Return policy

If you have received the incorrect items or the items you have received are faulty, please email to discuss further.

If you are not satisfied with the goods you have received, you can return them to us within 14 days of receipt, providing they are in original resalable condition.

Once returned you will be entitled to a full refund which will not include the cost of the return postage. We are not able to refund or exchange items that appear to have been used, opened, or are not in original condition. If you want these returned to you, we may request that you cover the delivery cost.

Return Process:

  • Please download, print off, and complete a returns form if you do not already have one.
  • Email your returns form along with a photo of the products you are returning to
  • Once approved, ensure your return is well packaged and meets all the conditions outlined below.
  • Please mark 'Returned Items' clearly on the outer packaging of your parcel.
  • Use an insured tracking delivery service to ensure your parcel reaches us safely.
  • Send a follow up email with your tracking information to 

Returns Terms and Guidelines:

  • All returned items must be unused, unopened, and complete with original plastic wrapping.
  • We are not responsible for the return shipping costs of the items.
  • Please make sure all returned items are well packaged, so as not to be damaged in the post.
  • Please make sure all return packages are sent with a trackable, insured service as we cannot take responsibility for items damaged or lost in the return transit.
  • Please make sure that the returns form has been approved - without approval it may result in your return not being processed.